Folder BioMEMS

This Category includes the following BioMEMS Topics for download.

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Folder BioMEMS Overview

This unit distinguishes between MEMS and BioMEMS and identifies the major characteristics that define BioMEMS. This unit provides an overview and introductory information on the emergence of BioMEMS into MEMS technologies.

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Folder BioMEMS Applications

This unit provides an overview of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) applications in the biomedical field. Such devices are referred to as BioMEMS.

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Folder DNA Overview

This unit provides an overview of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), its role as genetic material, its molecular components and structure, and DNA replication. This information is necessary to better understand the role of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in DNA analysis, disease diagnostics, and gene therapy.

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Folder DNA to Protein

This unit provides content information needed to understand how the digitally encoded information in DNA is translated into a functional protein that can be used for diagnostics, analysis and measurements in medical applications.

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Folder Cells

This unit introduces the different types of cells, aspects of their growth, and the types of organelles found within cells. This knowledge leads to an understanding of the importance of cells in BioMEMS applications.

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Folder Biomolecular Applications

This unit discusses the characteristics and phenomena of biomolecules that make them attractive components for BioMEMS devices. It provides information that will allow one to understand how biological molecules can be used as working devices within BioMEMS.

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Folder Clinical Laboratory Techniques and Microtechnology

This learning module is an overview of how microtechnology is used for standard clinical laboratory tests.  It covers the advantages and challenges of taking clinical tests out of the laboratory to the point of care (POC).  An activity allows you to dig deeper into a specific test or technique and discover how microtechnology is changing medical diagnostics.

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Folder BioMEMS Diagnostics Overview

This unit discusses the advantages and disadvantages of adapting existing diagnostic laboratory tests and materials to MEMS, what areas in medicine will be impacted and how, and examples that are already being tested.

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Folder BioMEMS Therapeutics Overview

Therapeutics is the process of serving and caring for the patient in a comprehensive manner. This unit covers a few of the MEMS and BioMEMS therapeutic devices that are currently on the market or close to becoming a commercial product.

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Folder MEMS for Environmental and Bioterrorism Applications

This unit discusses MEMS applications for environmental and bioterrorism sensing, the reasons such sensing devices are needed, and the MEMS that are currently used or being tested for such applications.

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Folder DNA Microarrays

This lesson explains how a DNA Microarray works, how it is used in medical, environmental and food applications, and how it is fabricated.  It is designed for high school and post-secondary freshman biology, science, and technology classes.   There are four suggested activities that reinforce the material as well as a knowledge probe and final assessment.

Please register and login to our website to access the instructor material and the .doc and .ppt files.